
Published on | by derekbremer


Inappropriate Responses to 15 Common Interview Questions

Ahh, the interview — employment’s version of the colonoscopy sans anesthesia. Once the introductions have been made and the polite chit-chat is over the gloves come off and the probing begins. It all seems so unseemly and, quite frankly, a little unsanitary.

On one end of the desk is a person looking for the most qualified candidate at the lowest cost. On the other side is a person who would say just about anything to get the job. I also find the attempt to place a dollar figure on one’s experiences, capabilities and general self-worth to be bothersome but only if that figure is lower than the one I’ve placed upon myself.

If you’re anything like me, some small part of you resents being asked so many questions. As such you may have, just once or twice, thought about giving a flippant answer to see what sort of response it would garner. The following is a list of 15 common interview questions and some of the responses I’d highly encourage everyone not to give unless, of course, you’re not planning on getting hired in the first place.

To read more just click through to Inappropriate Responses to 15 Common Interview Questions on Medium!

About the Author

Prior to his life as a stay at home father Derek spent more than a decade performing public relations and marketing functions for financial consulting firms and found the job to be precisely as exciting as it sounds. When not tending to his wife or daughter Derek enjoys subjecting the public to his unique take on fatherhood, travel and animal husbandry. He has been published in Scary Mommy, Sammiches and Psych Meds, The Good Men Project, HowToBeADad, Red Tricycle, RAZED, HPP and the Anthology "It's Really Ten Months Special Delivery: A Collection of Stories from Girth to Birth.

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