
Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine

Father’s Day for First Time Fathers
Estate Planning for New Parents

MuddyUm (Medium)

The Things We Nourish
My Two Minute Interview
Confessions of an Intersection Gridlocker
Welcome to the Ranks of the Gainfully Unemployed!
The Downside of Being “The Funny Guy”
Schrodinger’s Cats (The perfect pets for people who might or might not want a cat!)
This is a Sponsored Post
It’s All About the Journey
Inappropriate Responses to 15 Common Interview Questions
An Annual Wellness Checkup Under Your New Insurance Plan Now Includes a Complimentary Band-Aid!
Mattresses for Marching Bands
The Secret to My Massive Success
Dating Myself
Swifty Magic
Handing Out Poems for Halloween

Frazzled (Medium)

A Eulogy for Our Elf on the Shelf, Twinkle Sapphire Sparkle Moonbeam
An Open Letter to the Attendees of My Daughter’s Birthday Party, Written After Drinking Eight Beers

How to be a Dad

Six Toys that Make You Go Huh?
The Dark Side of Nursery Rhymes Revealed
Super “Helpful” Tips for Your Wife’s First Sonogram
Decoding the Phrases of Marriage
Extreme Activities for Stir Crazy Kids
Not Your Usual Valentine’s Day Gift Idea Guide
Gender Reveal Party Don’ts & Maybe Do’s
Toddler New Year’s Resolutions
Male Aging: 5 Things They Don’t Tell You
Parent Solved Mysteries
Why are men on the pot so long? Secrets revealed!
10 Worst Candies and What to Do with Them
DO’s and DO-NOT’s for Halloween 2020
7 Habits of Highly Effective Toddlers

Scary Mommy

I’ll Tell You Why I Only Have One Kid

The Haven (Medium)

Thoughts on My Newfound Stupidity
The Angry Toaster: My Complicated Relationship with Common Household Appliances
Erotica Gone Awry
If I Had a Juicer
An Open Letter to People Who Still Write Open Letters
How to Eat Mindfully and Starve to Death the Way Nature Intended
A Christmas Newsletter Critique
5 Things the Rags to Riches Industrialist Wants You to Hand Out this Year for Halloween


An Interview After Crushing My Son’s Friend in Mario Kart 8


Your Contractor and Future Spouse

Robot Butt

How Your Improper Grammar Is Preventing You From Getting the Badger Out of Your Toilet

University of Dayton (Erma Bombeck)

Aging Gracefully

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