
Published on | by derekbremer


Thoughts on My Newfound Stupidity

I recently read an article only to discover that my brain had shrunk. Laugh if you will but it turns out that yours has too. Apparently, as a species, our brains have shrunk by the size of a lime. I’m assuming that the reference to a lime is an aggregate loss in brain tissue and not a chunk taken out whole, but don’t take my word for it. I’m, apparently, not as bright as I thought I was just a few minutes ago.

That this loss in brain size has occurred is pretty much indisputable, or at least, indisputable if one follows the tenets of mainstream science. Between 3,000 and 5,000 years ago something happened that prompted our brains to shrink in size. The question as to why it occurred bears more investigation.

Being on the upper end of my 40s, I can’t say that I was surprised by our collective reduction in mental capacity. I’ve been convinced that we’ve all been getting dumber since the 1980s — and we weren’t particularly bright back then. Unlike scientists, however, I just assumed that this was a cultural phenomenon brought on by Reagonomics or the band Kajagoogoo and other ill-conceived notions during that horrible decade.

To read more just click through to Thoughts on My Newfound Stupidity on Medium!

About the Author

Prior to his life as a stay at home father Derek spent more than a decade performing public relations and marketing functions for financial consulting firms and found the job to be precisely as exciting as it sounds. When not tending to his wife or daughter Derek enjoys subjecting the public to his unique take on fatherhood, travel and animal husbandry. He has been published in Scary Mommy, Sammiches and Psych Meds, The Good Men Project, HowToBeADad, Red Tricycle, RAZED, HPP and the Anthology "It's Really Ten Months Special Delivery: A Collection of Stories from Girth to Birth.

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