Author Archives: derekbremer

This is a Sponsored Post

| by derekbremer

(Post not sponsored by Sponsored Posts, Inc.) Recently there’s been a lot of banter in the writing community about how

Ostensible Writing

| by derekbremer

I’ve started bringing my laptop with me to the various activities I ferry my daughter to this summer. Every few

Origins of a Cranky Old Man

| by derekbremer

I think I’ve discovered why older people can be so cranky. Now, normally I wouldn’t be all that curious about

Rambling On

| by derekbremer

A few weeks ago I heard myself say “I remember when this was all farmland,” as I drove my wife

If I Had a Juicer

| by derekbremer

If I had a juicer I’d juicer in the morning I’d juicer in the evening I’d juicer all over this

Boys Are Dumb

| by derekbremer

 “When do boys get normal?” my daughter asked me as I was driving her home from school. I took a

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